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Further Resources

Need more info? We've got you covered.

#Youth Support

Kids Help Line

Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Beyond Blue

Provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.

Reach Out

An online mental health organisation for young people and their parents.

Drug Arm

A for-purpose organisation committed to reducing the harms of alcohol and other drug use.

Teen Challenge

Teen Challenge QLD offers residential rehabilitation for people overcoming their addictions.

Australia Government Department of Health

Provides resources and information around alcohol and drug use.


Rosies reaches out to those most in need, those people who are lonely, abandoned, and marginalised within our communities.

Youth Central - VIC

Youth Central is the Victorian Government's website for young people aged 12-25, filled to overflowing with great information about life.

Hope Community Services - WA

Provides much-needed support to people affected by alcohol and other drugs, poor mental health, and socio-economic disadvantage in Western Australia.

Budget Direct

Research findings around alcohol consumption in Australia.

#Parent Support

Drug Rehab

A substance abuse guide for parents.

Quit Now

Quitting methods to help you get smoke free.

Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Preventing alcohol and other drug harms in Australia.


Providing practical resources to help inform and support the community about alcohol use.

#Schoolies/Leavers Safety Services

Schoolies - Queensland

Contains information on staying safe, your rights and responsibilities, access and identification, and contacts.

Alcohol & Drugs - QLD Health

Information, advice, counselling and referral for alcohol and drug issues.

Mental Health - QLD Government

Information and resources surround mental health.

Good Times Great Breaks - Victoria

A safety response strategy implemented to keep school leavers in VIC as safe as possible during 'Schoolies' week.

Leavers WA

The State Government Leavers Strategy is a harm minimisation and crime prevention strategy overseen by WA Police working in partnership with key Stakeholders.


Overseas information and advice.


The Desk

Aims to support Australian tertiary students to achieve mental and physical health and wellbeing.


Headspace provides a wealth of information relating to general mental health, physical health, work & study and drugs & alcohol. Set yourself up for a win with education and practical tips.


The primary focus of DrinkWise is to help bring about a healthier and safer drinking culture in Australia.


If you’ve been sexually assaulted, you can get help and support.

Blood Alcohol Content Calculator

A tool to estimate how many drinks you can have whilst remaining under the 0.05 BAC percentage in order to drive.