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Make a Donation

Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of young people all over Australia.

Red Frogs is a not-for-profit and relies on the support of individuals & businesses to continue providing vital support and education to young people. By making a donation below you will be directly partnering with us to fulfil our mission of safeguarding a generation.

*Every donation over $2 is tax-deductible. We understand your circumstances may change. Simply call us on 1300 557 123 if you’d like to discuss your options or cancel a recurring donation.

Thank you for seeing the next generation as something worth safeguarding and supporting.

#How your support helps Red Frogs


30 Pancake Shakers feeding 300 Schoolies


1,440 festival goers hydrated


A volunteer on the ground at Schoolies Week


A school sponsored with a Red Frogs Education Program


Hydration Station to provide direct relief at uni parties


A Red Frogs Pancake Trailer


Roof over the Boardriders/Youth Skate Park Facility


Mobile HQ Response Trailer

#Bank Transfer

Don't want to use a credit/debit card? You can also set up a bank transfer to Red Frogs Australia.


BSB: 034093

Account: 510338

#Thank you for your support