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What We DoSupporting the next generation

Our programs are a direct response to our mission: to combat a culture in Australia that is largely dominated by alcohol and other substances, often leading to dangerous and life-altering behaviours for young people.

The aim of these programs is to provide a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather, educate young people on safe partying behaviours, and promote and provide alcohol-free and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments.​

​Our programs are a direct response to our mission: to combat a culture that is largely dominated by alcohol and other substances


High Schools

High Schools

Educating, equipping and empowering students to make positive life choices and be a voice of change within their culture.



Providing direct relief, safety and support to young people during Schoolies/Leavers week.



Directly impacting and shifting university culture through direct relief and education.



Helping to create a safer space within the music industry.



Positively influencing Australian skate culture.



Providing direct relief and support to team players and Aussie sporting fans.

#Watch 'Heart of the Frog'

#AS A NOT-FOR-PROFIT, OUR VITAL WORK RELIES ON YOUR DONATIONS AND SUPPORT. help us to safeguard the next generation.