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Our Impact

We recently engaged Pluri to complete our inaugural impact report where we quantified our impact across Australia and NZ in 2023. Check out the amazing impact of our volunteers below!

#Red Frogs 2023 Impact


Worth of volunteer hours at Schoolies/Leavers


People reached


Volunteers across Australia and NZ


Calls for assistance fielded by our teams during Schoolies/Leavers


Cups of water handed out to young people in party environments


Schoolies/Leavers reached across 14 locations globally

Read our 2023 Impact Report

"We see dignity restored, we see hope, and we see people simply loved in the middle of their mess, at their most vulnerable. We also get to see the flow-on effects of that. It’s a real privilege to be able to do that." - Red Frogs Volunteer

#Key Findings from unique survey


of respondents reported that Red Frogs is “very effective” or “extremely effective” at increasing the awareness of responsible behaviours and personal safety.


of respondents reported that, with the assistance of Red Frogs events,
they were either “very effective” or “extremely effective” at promoting social inclusion and wellbeing.


of respondents reported, unprompted, that they observed a substantial
reduction in student intoxication as a result of Red Frogs’ presence at their social events.

#Education & student safety


High school programs presented


Students educated around safe party behaviours


One-off University events supported


Regular uni social events held each week


Increase in student safety as reported by uni residential providers

#Read Full Impact Report

#Watch Chloe's Story

#Our Donors/Sponsors

The generosity of our volunteers, partners, and donors has enabled us to reach over 1.21 million people in 2023, moving us closer to our vision of safeguarding a generation. As we seek to enhance our impact, there are a number of ways you can partner with us:

#Ways to support us

Make a Donation

By making a donation below you will be directly partnering with us to see Red Frogs fulfil its mandate of 'safeguarding a generation'.

Friends of the Frog

Become a 'Friend of the Frog' for as little as $10 a month!

Gala Dinner

Annually, Red Frogs hosts fundraising events and dinners across the country which provide guests with a chance to help us combat the issues facing the young people of today.

Pancake Drive

Red Frogs needs your help in raising 10,000 pancake shakers before the 17th November!


How to successfully raise funds towards Red Frogs.

Corporate Sponsorship

Most of us want to help the community in some small way. You can help us help others.

Become a Partner

Red Frogs cannot carry out its mission without the incredible support of our business partners.

Workers Sponsorship

You can help get a valuable Red Frogs volunteer in the right place at the right time.

#Follow Us