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All You Need To Know About Vaping

Myth-busting edition.

#First of all... what is vaping?

Vaping is inhaling a vapour created by an electronic cigarette. These devices are battery powered and heat up liquid substances into vapour that is consumed. There are many types of vapes including Juuls, Vape Pens, and Box Mods.

Vaping is the growing trend amongst young people. Around 14% of young people (12 - 17 years) have tried a vape and 63% of these young people reported getting their vape from a friend. With limited research and education, it’s understandable why people are misinformed about the effects of vaping. At Red Frogs, we believe having the real facts is necessary to making the right decision! So, we’ve explained a few common myths about vaping so you can have healthy conversations with your teen.



MYTH: Vaping is safe

There are many risks associated with vaping. Recent studies have found that just 5 minutes of vaping can cause changes to lung function and airway inflammation. Lung Disease as well as cough, sore throat and dry mouth are associated with this growing trend. A small number of studies have also shown that vaping increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, angina, artery stiffness, and an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Not only this, second hand vapour can have adverse effects on humans and animals! It’s important to know that researchers are not fully aware of vaping's long term health effects such as cancer implications, chronic respiratory diseases, and heart disease.


MYTH: Vaping isn’t addictive

To most people’s surprise vaping is addictive. Although vaping without nicotine can prevent nicotine dependence, labels on these devices are often incomplete or incorrect. Many vaping products do contain nicotine which is a highly addictive substance. Research indicates that some vaping pods (Juul) contain 20 cigarettes worth of nicotine.


MYTH: Vaping is healthier than a cigarette

It is true that vape pods contain less contaminants than cigarettes. However, the long term health effects of vaping are not fully understood. Research does indicate that vaping is not a safe or healthy alternative to cigarettes. Many studies have shown that young people who vape are more likely to smoke as well.


MYTH: Vaping’s just flavoured water vapour

This is not true! Vaping contains nicotine, diacetyl, cancer-causing chemicals, volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals (such as nickel, tin or lead). These toxic chemicals are consumed by users and found in second-hand vapour. In teens, the ingredients can harm brain development and cause dependence. Interestingly, the liquid in vapes are dangerous outside of their intended use. Swallowing, breathing or absorbing the liquid through the skin and eyes can cause poisoning in children and adults.


MYTH: Vaping is more convenient and cool

Contrary to popular opinion, vaping is not convenient or cool. Social media has allowed companies to glamourise the use of vapes and create flavours that appeal to young people. Also, vaping is not allowed in most public places, selling vapes to minors is an offence and purchasing liquid nicotine is illegal without prescription. It is important that you understand the different laws regarding vaping in your State.


Aus Gov Website

More info about e-cigarettes


Talking to your child about vaping

Australian Drug Foundation

Vaping amongst young people

Healthy Communication Tips

Tips on talking with your teen