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Overseas Schoolies Health TipsTop Tips for Staying Healthy Overseas

Be in the know for healthy travels!

Whether you are heading overseas for Schoolies/Leavers or your gap year, staying healthy is the key to maxing out the good times and giving it your all in whatever you're up to.

Most of the time, it’s easy to forget some health related musts during the excitement of planning and seeing the sights. We have some overseas travel health tips that you should consider before going abroad.

Smartraveller's got all the advice you need for a safe time.

#Find out what could be a risk to you at your chosen travel destination including:


Infectious diseases

Including water borne, food borne and STIs.



Such as altitude sickness or injuries from car crashes.


Quality of health care

Availability and quality of health care, medical facilities and medications.



Local attitudes towards disability, and the availability of accessible accommodation.


Mental Health support

Local attitudes and laws around mental health, and the availability of mental health support.



Laws about medication, some of your prescriptions might be illegal where you are travelling.

#Chat to your GP

Hey, before you jet off on that epic adventure, make sure to have a casual chat with your local doc about any health stuff on your mind. They'll hook you up with tips for a rad and safe trip – from finding backup meds, to checking your shots are up to date, and even helping you prep for those moments when you're not feeling your best. Plus, they'll help figure out how much of your meds to pack for the journey. It's all about making sure your adventure is a blast!

If you start to feel unwell mentally or physically, take it back to basics. Adding these simple steps back into your day can make a world of difference and help get you back on track!

#How to protect yourself


Find nutritious and healthy food


Drink plenty of water


Give alcohol a break


Exercise, even if that’s just walking


Get a good night sleep


Talk to your support network


Before you head overseas, make Smartraveller your first destination.

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