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Working With Children Check Requirements (VIC)

Before you volunteer with Red Frogs in Victoria you must have a Working with Children Check (WWCC), which allows you to work with children and young people. 

In the case that you live in Victoria and are going to NSW for Schoolies, or you live in NSW and are going to Victoria for Schoolies, you are not required to get a WWCC - as you are covered under the rules for exemption.

#how to apply

Application of a Working With Children Check

Fill in the online form then finalise your application at a participating Victorian Australia Post retail outlet.​

- You do need to list Red Frogs as the volunteer organisation on your WWCC.
- You can still submit your Schoolies application even if you do not have a current WWCC, however, final approval will be dependant that you have received your WWCC prior to Friday 9th November.
- All enquiries about your WWCC are to be made to the Working With Children Check Unit on 1300 652 879​ or visit


Don't delay your Check

It generally takes three weeks for applications to be screened and the information to come back to the department, and another 2 weeks for your card to arrive by mail - so make sure you allow plenty of time for the process.

Police officers and registered teachers do not apply for WWCC

If you are a teacher who is currently registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), a Victoria Police officer or an Australian Federal Police (AFP) officer, you are exempt from the Check.

Interstate visitors can do child-related work in Victoria without a Check for up to 30 days

E.g. Anne lives in NSW and wants to do Schoolies in Victoria. As Anne does not usually live in Victoria and will only be in Victoria for one event, she does not need to get a Victorian Check or have one from NSW.

Interstate visitors can do child-related work in NSW without a Check for up to 30 days

E.g Thomas lives in VIC and wants to do Schoolies in Byron Bay. As Thomas does not usually live in NSW and will only be in NSW for one event, he does not need to get a NSW Check or have one from VIC.

There is no application fee for volunteers.


#More info

Other exemptions

If you are a teacher who is currently registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), a Victoria Police officer or an Australian Federal Police (AFP) officer, you are exempt from the Check.

Renew your Check

If you have a Check and need to renew head to the link below.