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6 Tips for O-Week

Here are some tips on how to make the most of O-Week!


Get Connected!

Participate in O-Week events at your uni campus or college/residence or chat to the person next to you at your lectures and orientation. The first couple of weeks is when everyone is forming friendships so throw yourself into the mix.


You Do You

You don’t need to fit the student stereotype. Don’t feel pressured to drink every night if you don’t want to. There will be other people who feel the same and you are more likely to make long-lasting connections with people who enjoy doing the same things as you.


Jump In

Sign up to a bunch of clubs/societies. They are a great way to meet people!


Be Cool Be Cool

It is okay if you don’t meet your new best friends in the first few days of O-Week. You will make friends in time so don’t panic or try to force it.


You Are Not Alone

Settling in takes time. The first few weeks of uni can be super overwhelming but you aren’t alone. Help is there if you need it so don’t be afraid to say “I’m not OK”. Chat to a friend, or approach a friendly Red Frog at the next event on campus.


Meet the Red Frog Crew

Get to know the Red Frogs! We are here to support you throughout your entire uni degree.

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