#The Checklist
When choosing a location for a teen party it is important to find somewhere that is appropriate to your needs. Consider security, catering, cleaning, and number of invited guests. If hosting a house-party, be sure to lock doors for off-limit areas, have a good adult to teen ratio, and have a safe area for household pets or young children. Parties can also be registered with the Police which can help ease your nerves!
Written invitations and private Facebook events are useful as they communicate that the party is invitation only. Other communication methods, such as social media, email and text, are harder to control. On the invitation include an RSVP date, contact number, dress code, rules, and start and finishing times. Having open communication with your guests establishes healthy boundaries and allows you to exercise control if problems arise.
To ensure gatecrashers are not entering the party, have a guest list at the main entrance and someone check in invited guests. Have one clear entrance to the event and ensure other entrance options are secured. Have some adult friends at the party to help give out food and keep an eye on things. Remember, you can call the police if gatecrashers arrive and refuse to leave.
Know the law about alcohol at teen parties. According to Australia Law, it is illegal to supply under 18s with alcohol at a private place if you are not the responsible adult and providing responsible supervision of their consumption. Make sure you understand the law and have a conversation with your teen to successfully implement boundaries.
Music and Noise
Have a conversation with your teen about the level of noise you expect from the party. Remember, to give notice to your neighbours if you expect to have loud music throughout the night. We recommend having a run sheet which specifies particular times to dance as well as a scheduled time to turn off the music to help wrap things up.
As the host of the party, you have a duty of care to your guests. If your guests have been drinking, ensure they are picked up by someone they know, not driving themselves home, or are ride-sharing with friends. If comfortable, offer up a spare bed or two to help ensure your guests are safe. Have an adult who checks how each guest is going home at the conclusion of the party.