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Info for Parents

Red Frogs Education aims to bring to the forefront the real issues young people face in a non-judgemental, practical way

We understand your child's safety is your number one priority. Talking to your young person about safe partying and potential risks can be hard and well, let’s face it, kind of awkward for them and for you.

Our education programs bring to the forefront the real issues young people face in a non-judgemental, practical and engaging way, creating a safe space for discussion and opening a forum for continued (and less awkward) conversation at home - with you.

Red Frogs Education aims to bring to the forefront the real issues young people face in a non-judgemental, practical way


Navigating the transition of your child through schooling, Schoolies/Leavers and into the real world can be a challenge. So we'd love to help you. If you are interested in hearing more about our upcoming Parent Seminars, please express your interest below.

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