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Overseas Advice for ParentsSo, your child wants to go overseas for Schoolies/Leavers?

Travelling overseas for Schoolies/Leavers week can be a great way for your child to celebrate the end of school. 

However, it's really important to remember that travelling overseas can also be risky, especially when the health systems and emergency response teams you find overseas may not be as advanced or available as they are here in Australia. Make sure your child understands that there are bigger risks to take into account when travelling overseas for Schoolies/Leavers week. 

#Our overseas Schoolies/Leavers tips

Pick a hassle-free destination

Before your child chooses where to go, check out Smartraveller - the Australian Government's travel advice site. You'll find useful information on the safety and security situations in over 160 countries (and it's updated all the time so you can be sure you're getting the latest advice). You can also subscribe online and get automatic updates straight to your inbox.

Take out travel insurance

No matter how prepared you are there are always things that can go wrong when travelling overseas. To deal with this before it happens, make sure your child has comprehensive travel insurance to save them from the additional costs (and problems) they might run into on their trip. Ensure the travel insurance covers your child for any activities they plan to participate in and is valid for the entire trip.

If your child intends to hire cars, motorcycles, jet skis or any other motorised vehicle, check with the travel insurer if it is covered in the insurance policy, and seek advice on any restrictions that may apply (such as insurance cover if your child doesn’t wear a helmet or is not licensed to ride a motorcycle in Australia).

Check Smartraveller for advice on making sure you’re covered.

Subscribe to Smartraveller for travel alerts

Smartraveller no longer ask you to register your overseas travel before you go ‘just in case’ something happens. Instead, they will activate a crisis page if there is a situation overseas that could affect Australians.

Subscribe to Smartraveller to stay up to date.

Make copies of your child's travel documents

It’s also smart to make copies of your child's passport details, insurance policy, visas and credit card numbers. Pack one copy in a separate place to the originals and leave a copy with someone at home. Losing important documents in a foreign country can be an ordeal. Having access to copies of your child's documents will assist in getting replacements and make your child's life much easier should something go wrong.

Inform your child on the penalties for breaking the law

While your child is in another country, they must obey the laws even if these seem harsh or unfair by Australian standards. Even small quantities of 'soft drugs' can attract jail sentences or heavy fines and your child shouldn’t expect to be treated differently from the locals just because they're Australian. The Smartraveller website has plenty of information about local laws and customs so your child is not caught out overseas.

Inform your child of their alcohol limits

Inform your child that if they are drunk their judgment is affected, and they are more likely to take risks and make dangerous decisions. Encourage them to limit their intake of alcohol so that they remain aware of their surroundings. Encourage them not to leave their friends alone and to keep in regular contact and be aware of where people in their group are.

The strength of alcoholic drinks may differ from Australia and the alcohol content of drinks is not always marked or accurate.

Inform your child of methanol poisoning

Methanol is a non-drinking type of alcohol used for industrial and automotive purposes. There have been cases of poisoning in Indonesia, most notably in Bali and Lombok, from alcoholic drinks adulterated with methanol. Your child should consider the risks when consuming alcoholic beverages in Indonesia, particularly cocktails and drinks made with spirits.

#Helpful info

The Australian Government has heaps of information available for Aussies travelling overseas. Before you check in, check out for all the info you need to enjoy a safe and hassle-free trip.

Encourage your teen to download the Red Frogs app on their phone to request pancakes or a walk home.